Stand In Wonder

Grand CanyonHave you done some real thinking lately? Sure you have had thoughts, but more likely than you having them, they have been having you.

Thoughts have a life of their own, and sort of stream through our heads of their own accord. I give the mindfulness movement great credit for reminding us how little we really think our thoughts, and how often our thoughts are thinking us.

The point of The Power of Your Past is to help us become conscious, to go to the thoughts behind the thoughts on our mental screen and re-possibilitize our lives with mindfulness about where our root thoughts, the powerful ones, are coming from.

Thomas More, of Care of the Soul fame, said this about thinking:

The point of thinking is to stand in wonder after we reach the edge of our understanding.

Let’s all have the humility to go to the edge of our thinking today and everyday. I want Rush Limbaugh, and all the talk show types, left and right, to go to the edge of their understanding just once on the air. Let them admit their thoughts are small in the face of the largeness of life and its mysteries.

How can you do that kind of thinking? You know how, but here are some reminders:

  • take a breath and really look at a flower
  • look at your partner and wonder at her complexities and truth
  • look at a social issue and grasp the paradoxes it embodies

Stand in wonder.

Image above Some rights reserved by nicofayet