Carrying the Universal Promise: think about this between your emails

cosmic patternWhen we look at the night sky we feel small in the Grand Scheme. When we help someone with a problem, provide a useful insight, or give a hug of understanding that relieves some pain, we feel worthwhile and know we are here for a reason.

What a dichotomy we hold, so tiny and insignificant and so significant! Golda Meir, former Israeli prime minister, apparently carried two stones with her. One said, “For me the universe was made.” The other said, “To dust I shall return.”

There you have it – the polar realities of our lives. Soul bound and limitless, living in space and time. One of my favorite thinkers and teachers, James Hollis, out of the Houston Jung Center where I take my Saybrook U Classes, puts it this way:

We are only a tiny fragment of history but we carry the promise of it all. As travelers in an age that has lost its myth, our individuation task (to become ourselves, fully) is a conspicuous note in the grand song that has been sung from the beginning.

So that is all I need, just to contemplate the power of this idea… I am a note in a grand song. But blogs are supposed to have a topical, today’s news hook to grab attention, and an action so people can take action. Here ya go:

Today’s News Connection to the above: I wonder how many NFL quarterbacks think of themselves as fragments of history?

Action Item: Get two stones and carve out your own quotes to carry around this polar mystery of our lives.

There ya go. Blogging is easy. My blog is a tiny note in the grand cosmic symphony.

Post image Attribution Some rights reserved by Felipe Venâncio