
Practice 9 – Release the Future      

All his life has he looked away to the future, the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Yoda Summary: This may be the most radical practice of the ten practices. Our attempt here is to go beyond the thought patterns that so often create anxiety, “stuckness” and their consequent tensions. So much of this comes from time pressures and how we view the future. We ease up on our constant attention to and[…]

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Food present, food past.

Do you have a favorite food from your childhood? What memories are connected to it? One of mine is a Hostess Twinkie® in my grade school lunch, which meant mom was giving me a rare treat (a good thing, since it has negative food value). Another is homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for Friday night dinners. This meal is charged with happy thoughts of the family being together. And it is loaded with[…]

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