
There is more we have in common than we are told

This recording is one take, mine, on what we can all do to hold the center on all the issues that matter to our country. Conversations between people across the political spectrum are indeed happening in healthy ways. (go near the end if you want a moment of a beautiful American song on our gift of brotherhood) Bombarded with bad news and supposed truths about how totally terrible almost all on the other side are,[…]

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People Presence and Company Essence

The emotional force field at work and in M&A There are many force fields within companies: innovation and risk-tolerance force fields, or the shared knowledge force field across an enterprise that carry specific languages all their own. Fundamental to them all is the emotional force field (EFF) of trust and respect and inclusion that employees sense in their bones as they experience work dynamics day by day, zoom meeting by zoom meeting. Much of this[…]

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Innovation, Neuro-science, and Thich Nhat Hanh: Right-Hemisphere leadership as the next step

Thich Nhat Hanh is the ultimate team builder and he lives with an emotional intelligence that most leaders need more of. If you have not seen his name alongside Jamie Diamond, Mark Cuban and that Tesla guy– Elon is it?—Thich Nhat Hanh is a much respected Eastern spiritual teacher, second to the Dalia Lama for recognizability in the West. He is referred to in many a circle of mindfulness practitioners. He is Vietnamese, has sold[…]

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Apologies to Eckhart

[Brief foreword: I have been mostly quiet since COVID hit and then the George Floyd tragedy. Too much change and gravitas to offer much (one exception here on my other blog as I hope we think big for the bigness of the times), and the channels are clogged with everyone having thoughts and opinions, many good ones, some not as much. So I resume with a little modest thought, not equal to the gravitas of[…]

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